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Welcome to the website of the second UncertaiNLP workshop to be held at EMNLP 2025 in Suzhou, China.

Tagline: UncertaiNLP brings together researchers embracing sources of uncertainty from human language and NLP tools; harnessing them for improved NLP.

Previous editions of UncertaiNLP: 2024.

Important Dates

Workshop Topic and Content

Human languages are inherently ambiguous and understanding language input is subject to interpretation and complex contextual dependencies. Nevertheless, the main body of research in NLP is still based on the assumption that ambiguities and other types of underspecification can and have to be resolved. This workshop will provide a platform for research that embraces variability in human language and aims to represent and evaluate the uncertainty that arises from it, and from modeling tools themselves.

Workshop Topics

UncertaiNLP welcomes submissions to topics related (but not limited) to:

Invited Speakers

Clara Meister Gal Yona Eyke Hüllermeier
Clara Meister (ETH Zürich, CH)
Gal Yona (Google Research, IL)
Eyke Hüllermeier (LMU Münich, DE)

Program Committee

Workshop Organizers

Wilker Aziz, University of Amsterdam
Jonathan Berant, Tel Aviv University and Google Deepmind
Bryan Eikema, University of Amsterdam
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, UCLouvain and FNRS
Barbara Plank, LMU Münich and IT University of Copenhagen
Artem Shelmanov, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence
Swabha Swayamdipta, USC Viterbi CS
Jörg Tiedemann, University of Helsinki
Raúl Vázquez University of Helsinki
Chrysoula Zerva, Instituto de Telecomunicaçõ


You can contact the organizers by email to

Anti-Harassment Policy

UncertaiNLP workshop adheres to the ACL’s code of ethics, ACL’s anti-harassment policy , and ACL’s code of conduct.

Image Credits

Images were created using text-to-image model supplied via, using the CreativeML Open Rail-M license.